Prevention Toolkit
This toolkit helps you explore Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention activities you can provide via your Linkages team. You’ll find tools and guidance on how to get Linkages related Prevention activities up and running. You can match the formatting and look of the other toolkit pages.
Linkages Primary Prevention
Linkages Primary Prevention refers to the activities that promote child and family well-being on behalf of applicants for and recipients of CalWORKs. Information and materials developed for the general public are adapted for and targeted to CalWORKs families in order to promote child and family well-being.
Target population: All CalWORKs families
- Imperial County Protective Factors Brochure (Final)
- Kern County Family Resource Centers and Protective Factors (2)
- Kern County Family Resource Centers and Protective Factors 2 (1)
- Orange English Five Protective Factors Brochure F063-30-984 (05-24)
- Orange Five Protective Factors Brochure F063-30-984 (05-24) (1)
- Orange Lobby POSTER ENG – 5-Protective-Factors-ADA-Resources-Tips_0124
- Orange Spanish CINCO FACTORES DE PROTECCION FOLLETO F063-30-984 (SP 05-24)
- Tehama 5-Protective-Factors-Resources- Tips Spanish
- Tehama 5-Protective-Factors-Resources-Tips_ 8.2024 english
- butte County Brochure – Linkages – Five Protective Factors Resources and Tips
Linkages Secondary Prevention
Linkages Secondary Prevention refers to activities provided on behalf of families who have active CalWORKs cases and one or more risk factors associated with compromised well-being or child maltreatment, such as poverty, parental substance abuse, young parental age, parental mental health concerns, exposure to violence, and parental or child disabilities and who have been referred to Child Welfare Services but who have not had a Child Welfare case established.
Target population: Families who may be receiving CalWORKs services such as Family Stabilization services or CalWORKs Home visiting services or have been referred by their Child Welfare Worker for Differential Response through a community-based provider. In addition, families who have been referred to Child Welfare who are not receiving CalWORKs but would benefit from a referral to CalWORKs. Linkages activities consist of aligning and coordinating early intervention services that the families have been referred to.
Program Descriptions
Policy & Procedures Resources
Linkages Tertiary Prevention
Linkages Tertiary Prevention focuses on families with children who have experienced maltreatment and have an open CWS case as well as an open CalWORKs case. The goals of Linkages services are to coordinate service plans and resources from both systems AND to work collaboratively to provide services and supports that will reduce the negative consequences of the maltreatment and prevent further maltreatment, while the family continues to address poverty related issues. Ultimately, the overall objective is that these joint services, supports, and resources prevent re-entry into the CWS and alleviate economic stressors.
Target population: Tertiary target populations all have an open CalWORKs case or are eligible to receive CalWORKs benefits. Families and/or individuals transitioning out of a program or from one program to another, the primary activity will involve planning for moving forward. More specific content to be added.
- Fresno Linkages Program Description
- LA Linkages Family Preservation Process Flow 2021
- LA Linkages Family Reunification Process Flow 2021
- Santa Barbarba Linkages Program Description
- Santa Fransisco Linkages FCS Staff Training 2020
- Tehama Linkages TLC FR Procedural Guide
- Fresno AB429 Policy_Procedures
- Kern AB429 Policy_Procedures
- Kern Family Stabilitization Policy_Procedures
- Madera Linkages FR FM VFM Policy_Procedures
- Santa Barbarba AB429 Policy_Procedures
- Santa Barbarba Linkages Case Coordination Policy_Procedures
- Santa Clara AB429 FR Policy_Procedures
- Santa Clara Linkages FM Policy_Procedures
- San Fransisco CalWORKs Linkages Social Work Specialist Policy_Procedures
- San Fransisco FM/CalWORKs Linkages Case Coordination Policy_Procedures